SHIPPING: Cyprus looking to create technical hub for Blue Growth

1 min read

Multiple benefits for Cyprus from creating a technological centre of excellence were presented by experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the MaRITeC-X project team.

During the Larnaca meeting, attended Deputy Minister of Shipping Natasa Pilides, the participants were informed about the creation of the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI), as well as other projects concerning the implementation of the Larnaca Municipality’s strategic plan for Blue Growth.

MaRITeC-X project focuses on marine and shipping research and innovation, and its aim is to establish the CMMI in Cyprus.

Pilides pointed out the economic and social benefits to be gained from the creation of the centre of excellence in Cyprus, as well as the benefits from the island’s energy plans.

She also said that efforts were being made to secure EU funds for the project and that this was a very important initiative for the development of the shipping complex.

MIT’s Nicholas Makris said Cyprus has very strong shipping and a new offshore potential, noting that the size of Cyprus’ offshore territory is much larger than its land mass. He added that the benefits will be for economic, cultural and intellectual growth.

Rector of the University of Cyprus Constantinos Christofides said that even if the EU did not fund the project, the government should, as it would place Cyprus at the centre of many developments.

He also referred to the School of Marine Science and Technology, which will open in September 2019 in Larnaca.

Larnaca Mayor Andreas Vyras said the aim was not to establish yet another academic institution but to help the real economy through research.